David Yanez

Friday, September 13, 2013

Kenya Summer 2013 Mission Report

Miracles! Miracles! Miracles!
This past August 2013, we went to Kenya for third time in about a year.  We held a seven-day crusade in the slums of Mwiki outside of the city of Nairobi.  I was told that no other ministry has tried holding a crusade in the soccer fields before.  Many were told that it would be difficult to draw people and be successful in the slums.  But our partners and volunteers persevered promoting, inviting and praying for a successful event for Jesus.

 The first night of the crusade we seen miracles and healings breakthrough.  God came in so strong with almost a shock and awe to the peoples hearts by many confirmed healings and miracles.  Every night we saw something inspiring to encourage us to keep pressing for more from the Lord.  Some very special miracles occurred during the week.  Three miracles happened for three children ages two, five and seven all three were born crippled never ever walking a day in their young lives.  During the week all three were healed and were able to walk. Amen!

 Some of the testimonies for the week included three women that were healed during the week of the services.  One was sick with ulcers but after attending the crusade one night by the next day she was healed.  Another was healed on the first night of the crusade from her feet burning all day.  The last one was healed of an oppression that convinced her to kill herself that night.  Instead she came across our crusade that night to hear me preach on forgiveness.  I made an alter call for everyone one needing a miracle but having unforgiveness in their heart.  She came forward and was healed of this oppression. The next night she came back to testify how her business had fallen apart and she had no money but now trusted God.  While she was testifying we took an offering spontaneously for her.  Everyone in the crusade ran forward with money for her.  We filled up a bucket of Schillings for her to satisfy her debt and give her a new start in business.  God is Amazing!  I have all three testimonies video taped on links below.

 In two nights of crusade events over 200 kids have come to the Lord.  Many healings of back, neck and body pains have been reported.  Many demonically possessed people were delivered immediately at the name of Jesus.  Each night the crowds have doubled in size on a couple of soccer fields in a slum suburb of Nairobi.  We had over 400 salvations recorded during our week of evangelism.   Amen!

 Special Moments of Divine Healing

 Miracles started happening days before we even held our first service.  An elder of one of the sponsoring churches was sent home from hospitals because of finances.  He was sick with pneumonia, which caused great pain in his ribs and back.  We prayed for him in the parking lot of the church.  We then went to get some soft drinks at a store. I was watching the soccer game on the TV when he yelled my name.  Then stood up yelling I am healed, no more pain, I can lift my hands.  Amen!

 During my Sunday morning service a woman came for prayer she had a huge inflammation in her throat, which looked like two grapefruits.  I laid hands on her throat and the swelling disappeared immediately.  The church actually said OOHHH.  Amen!

 Successful Pastor Conference & Special Pastor Service Meetings

 We had over 150 pastors and leaders attend our three-day morning & afternoon meetings.  Bishop Miguel Renteria was amazing in his true element of teaching today’s pastors and future leaders.  I was blessed to see God use him greatly!  We also setup a couple of special pastors service meetings for pastors unable to attend our main service.  Our goal was to introduce the ministry to new areas and get them involved for our next events.  We were welcomed to their areas with their blessing.  God healed several of them after our services.  God is Good!

New Christian Library planted in Kenya

Its official!! We planted our first Christian library in Kenya. In cooperation with Serve International and Bishop Paul Ligano, The Rev. Gabriel Yanez Jr. Faith Development Center has been given a wing in their newly constructed million dollar building for their school and ministry complex in Kakamega, Kenya. It’s dedicated to my dad who passed away when I was a child. He was full of faith! We deposited 53 newly released titles and will deliver more throughout the years. I will be back to dedicate the wing in December when I preach as the keynote speaker at their yearly conference. I should have an updated picture by then as well. The building is huge like a Kenyan Mall! Our vision for the Faith Development Centers is to have a Christian library, media center and computer lab for the communities. We plan to plant them in countries all over the world. Also each center will be dedicated to a person of faith that has gone on to glory leaving a legacy of glory!

 One Step closer for Global Mission Broadcast Center

 Before I left Houston to Nairobi on this mission trip I asked God to guide me to get a meeting with corporate office of SafariCom.  I am so glad God goes before us to prepare the way.  In a foreign country without knowing anyone to connect us for a meeting God provided a way.  We had a divine meeting with SafariCom the largest internet provider in Africa about our Global Mission Broadcast Center.  This meeting was setup by the Lord.  It’s like a fortress to get inside the corporate offices.  But God led us to a store, then to a person who knew someone inside that would love to help with this new idea.  Within a half hour of calls we had an immediate appointment at the headquarters with the logistics engineers to create a custom package for our broadcast.  While we passed through the security building we walked outside to cross over to the main building.  There were feet painted on the pathway to the building.  I raised my hands up testifying to Bishop Sammy that God goes before us pointing to the ground paintings.  The Global Mission Broadcast Center will enable us to broadcast from my studio in Houston to any mission field in the world.  Simultaneously streaming from the mission field back to the studio showing the crowd and translator, its basically going to be dual stream broadcasting.

Supernatural Provision

God provided all the funds for this trip within two weeks of flying out.  We bought our tickets the first week of August and flew out on August the 23rd completely funded.   This trip was strategic to our new Broadcast vision into the mission fields.  God never fails us!

Future Mission Trips

In 2012 I had the privilege of having Marilyn Hickey on my radio show.   Near the end of the show I asked her to pray and share for the listeners whatever she felt led by the Lord to do.  She said she had something for me, which God had told her to share.  She said, “God is enlarging your faith and enlarging your circle of ministry.”  Well my friends after five trips to India in less than three years and three trips to Kenya in less than a year more doors have opened.  Here is a look at our schedule for the next year.
  • Kenya December 2013 for a week leaders convention in Kakamega and three-day pastors conference/three-night healing service in Nairobi Mwiki District.  
  • India February 2014 for leaders conference and crusades in Orissia and Vishakapatnam. 
  • Russia Spring 2014 with a larger team to hold a pastor’s conference and healing crusade.
  • Nigeria 2014 we just were asked to plan a trip to Nigeria by an assistant to the President of Nigeria.  They estimate a crusade of 100,000 in attendance and Pastors/Leaders conference of a few thousand.  We will be taking a big team for that one as well. 
  • Kenya August 2014/India December 2014 planned already.
Bigger Teams

I have been blessed and able to go into countries on short notices to hold successful events.  But I also notice my strengths and weakness my gifts and my needs.  So I have recruited and continue to recruit great men of God that are anointed and humble.  The bible says how can we walk together unless we agree.  God has blessed me to travel with some of the most anointed men of God to build this vision.  Team members have their own church or ministry but all are willing to join in on a corporate anointing to reach the world.   The world has not seen what God can do with a team of anointed men that only care that God gets the Glory in all things!

Thank You and Pray

I want to thank everyone for their prayers and support for all of us on this trip.  As you can see we have a large mission schedule ahead of us.  That’s beside all the other travel for broadcasting, publishing and preaching this year.  Continue being a blessing and praying that God blesses all that we do.
God Bless,
David Yanez

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